Unlocking the True Ending to Persona 5 Royal
Just like the rest of the Persona games, Royal also happens to have multiple endings that trigger upon specific actions, lack, thereof. But, if you want to find the only true ending to Royal, it’s gonna take some work; you’ll need to make some specific decisions, and also hit specific deadlines.
It might take some effort, but trust me, the payoff is 100% worth it. I will try to keep this guide totally spoiler-free, so don’t worry about anything that might ruin the story for you.
How Many Endings Are There?
Now, before we even begin to talk about the “True” ending of this game, we need to learn about how many endings actually are there. So, there are actually 3 different endings to royal, besides the Vanilla ending. The three new endings actually get unlocked after you unlock the third semester, which I will discuss how later in this article.
But if you meet the right requirements, you’ll unlock the third semester, which leads to three possible endings:
A bad ending
A good ending
And, the true ending
Now, here’s how you can unlock the true ending without any spoilers.
Steps to Unlock the True Ending
Let me break down the whole process to make it easier to follow for you.
1. Level Up These Confidants Before the Deadlines.
Time is critical, so focus on these three characters and their Confidant ranks:
Takuto Maruki (Councillor): Reach Rank 9 by November 18.
Goro Akechi (Justice): Reach Rank 8 by November 24.
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Faith): Reach Rank 5 by December 18.
If you don’t meet these ranks by the given deadlines, you’ll miss the chance to unlock the third semester, and of course, the true ending, completely. But don’t rush, there’s plenty of time, use that to reach rank 3 Charm and rank 4 Knowledge, which is essential for Akechi to advance in his Confidant.
2. Reject the Antagonist’s Offers in January and February
Now, once you unlock the third semester, a new antagonist will appear and make you several offers during January and February. To get the true ending, you need to turn them down every time.
What Choices to Make?
If you are wondering what choice to make, let me make it even more clearer for you.
1. January Event
The first time the Antagonist will approach you is after January’s major event. You will be asked a question and have two choices to make, which will trigger different events. To make sure you unlock the true ending, you will have to choose the “I can’t accept this reality.” option.
The other option “I’ll accept this reality,” will lock you into the bad ending, which is definitely not something we want.
2. February 2
The next time you are approached by the antagonist’s is at the palace. You will again have an offer in front of you. Simply, refuse it and that’s pretty much it.
That’s it! If you follow these steps, you’ll unlock the true ending and experience everything the third semester has to offer. I am not gonna ruin the ending for you by telling you what happens, but you are in for a big surprise.