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Hotline Miami Trophy / Achievement Guide

Tips, strategies, and general help for the game's 35 achievements.

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Rev. 2 1522 0

Zoo Keeper + Sounds of Animals Fighting

Each mask provides unique gameplay bonuses of varying usefulness. These achievements will make sure you don't miss out on the fun.

  1. Zoo Keeper - Collect all the masks
  2. Sounds Of Animals Fighting - Wear all masks at least once

Some are unlocked for getting high scores, while others are hidden within levels for you to discover. In the table below, I've included every mask, with occasional links to my 'all hidden masks' guide which includes plenty of screenshots.

Mask Name (+ Animal) How to Unlock Effect (and further explanation)
Richard (Rooster) Unlocked by default None
Rasmus (Owl) Get a score of 13000 or more in the Prelude An Eye for Secrets (puzzle pieces are easier to see)
Russell (Bull) * Hidden in the Prelude chapter Raging Bull (gives the game a black and white filter)
Tony (Tiger) Get a score of 8500 or more in Chapter 1 Fists of Fury (unarmed attacks are lethal)
Aubrey (Pig) Get a score of 17500 or more in Chapter 2 More Guns (firearms are more likely to spawn)
Earl (Walrus) Hidden in Chapter 2 Survive two bullets
Don Juan (Horse) Get a score of 22000 or more in Chapter 3 Lethal Doors (hitting an enemy with a door kills them)
Graham (Rabbit) Get a score of 23500 or more in Chapter 4 Walk Fast (movement speed increased)
Dennis (Wolf) Get a score of 28000 or more in Chapter 5 Start with knife
Jones (Alligator) Hidden in Chapter 5 More gore (extra blood and guts when killing enemies, hooray!)
George (Giraffe) Get a score of 16000 or more in Chapter 6 Look further (the camera can move further)
Ted (Dog) Get a score of 27000 or more in Chapter 7 Dogs don't attack
Rufus (Elephant) Get a score of 32500 or more in Chapter 8 Survive one bullet
Carl (Grasshopper) Hidden in Chapter 8 Start with a drill 
Rami (Camel) Get a score of 31500 or more in Chapter 9 Extra ammo (guns come with more bullets)
Willem (Monkey) Get a score of 64500 or more in Chapter 10 Rip and Steal (standing executions give you an enemy's weapon)
Jake (Snake) Hidden in Chapter 10 Killing throws (Throwing anything at enemies kills them)
Peter (Unicorn) Get a score of 34500 or more in Chapter 11 Quieter gunshots (enemies won't always hear you shooting)
Zack (Frog) Get a score of 46500 or more in Chapter 13 Longer combo window (combo lasts longer)
Richter (Rat) Hidden in Chapter 13 Start with silenced uzi
Oscar (Mole) Get a score of 34500 or more in Chapter 14 Darkness (the game gets harder to see)
Rick (Fox) Get a score of 8500 or more in Chapter 16 Good shot (bullets are less spread out)
Charlie (Octopus) Hidden in Chapter 16 More melee weapons (melee weapons more likely to spawn)
Brandon (Panther) Get a score of 23500 or more in Chapter 17 Walk faster (movement speed increased a LOT)
Louie (Chameleon) Beat the game Hard to spot (enemies won't spot you so easily)
Phil (Fish) Hidden in Chapter 19 French translation (Translates all spoken dialogue in the game to French)
Nigel (Bat) Witness the secret ending Reversed controls (Forward is backward, left is right, etc)

*Russel is exclusive to console versions of the game; PC players don't need him.

Once you've found / unlocked all of the masks, put on a fashion show by loading up a level, equipping a mask, then restarting to wear a different one. This should unlock the achievement, but if it doesn't, load up one of the shorter first chapters and complete it while wearing each mask.


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